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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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This is the course catalog for the current academic year. When you have finished click the BACK button on your browser or the Return to CLASS-Web link at the bottom of the page

Womens Studies
WMST 1 Intro to Womens Studies 3.00 Units
Examines the cultural, historical, social, political and economic experiences of women in the United States. Introduces feminist perspectives on a wide range of issues affecting women incorporating race, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation and the life cycle. Analysis of African American women, Asian American women, Chicanas, European American women and Middle Eastern American women.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
WMST 2 Global Perspective of Women 3.00 Units
Examines the cultural, historical, political and economic experiences of women globally. Introduces feminist perspectives on a wide range of issues affecting women including globalization, war, education, work, family and religion in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:06