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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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TUTR 1A Begin. Tutoring Theory & Pract .50 Units
Beginning training for college tutors and study group leaders to acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring and leading study groups.
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 1B Inter Tutoring Theory Practice .50 Units
Intermediate training for college tutors to acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring and leading study groups. Prerequisite: TUTR 1A (completed with a grade of "P" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 2A Beg Content- Area Tutor Train .50 Units
Beginning training for college tutors to acquire skills and techniques for tutoring in specific content areas.
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 2B Inter Content-Area Tutor Train .50 Units
Intermediate training for college tutors to acquire skills and techniques for tutoring in specific content areas. Prerequisite: TUTR 2A (completed with a grade of "P" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 17A Tutoring Theory & Practice I .50 Units
Training for college tutors to acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring in academic and vocational subject areas, and basic skills. The course will provide a conceptual framework of tutoring to guide students in leading effective tutoring sessions.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
TUTR 17B Tutoring Theory & Practice II .50 Units
Intermediate training class for college tutors. Tutors will acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring in academic subjects, vocational subjects and basic skills. Required course for second semester tutors participating in the Las Positas College Tutorial Program. Prerequisite: TUTR 17A with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
TUTR 17C Tutoring Theory & Practice III .50 Units
Advanced training for college tutors to obtain skills and techniques in academic and vocational subject areas and basic skills remediation. Emphasis upon leading group tutoring sessions and mentoring new tutors. Required course for third semester tutors participating in the Las Positas College Tutorial Program. Prerequisite: TUTR 17B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
TUTR 31A Beg Peer Adv Train ChabotLink 1.00 Unit
Beginning skills, techniques, leadership training, and information needed by peer advisors to help students gather information and explore practical strategies for academic success. College policies, campus resources, programs and services, student rights and responsibilities, general educational planning (including graduation and transfer requirements), major offerings, public speaking, listening strategies. Required for all peer advisors participating in the ChabotLink Program.
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 31B Inter PeerAdv TrainChabotLink 1.00 Unit
Intermediate skills, techniques, leadership training, and information needed by peer advisors to help students gather information and explore practical strategies for academic success. College policies, campus resources, programs and services, student rights and responsibilities, general educational planning (including graduation and transfer requirements), major offerings, public speaking, listening strategies. Required for all peer advisors participating in the ChabotLink Program. Prerequisite: TUTR 31A (completed with a grade of "P" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ
TUTR 200 Supervised Tutoring .00 Units
Provides individual learning opportunities for students with expressed needs. Includes study strategies, learning modes, and developmental materials. All learning experiences will be under instructional supervision. Course is repeatable and offered free of charge.
College: Chabot College
Division: Academic Pathways/Student Succ

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:07