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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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Theater Arts LPC
THEA 1 Conservatory Readiness 1.00 Unit
This course is required for students interested in participating in the Actors Conservatory at Las Positas College. This course prepares students for a rigorous two-year training program in acting, musical theater, and dance. Students are expected to perform monologues, solos, and short dance sequences in this course, as well as participate in mentorship and cohort activities throughout the semester.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 1A Theory/Practice of Acting I 3.00 Units
This course prepares a student to apply basic acting theory to performance and develops the skills of interpretation of drama through acting. Special attention is paid to skills for performance: memorization, stage movement, vocal production, and interpretation of text. An introduction to the techniques and theories of acting, explored through improvisation, exercises and scene study. Students should be able to demonstrate the following skills: development of the physical and psychological resources for acting including relaxation, concentration, creativity, believability, and commitment. Recommended Course Preparation: ENG 1A or ENG 1AEX with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 1B Theory/Practice of Acting II 3.00 Units
Continued exploration of the theory and practice of acting, focusing on more complex characterization and character analysis. Introduction to theatrical styles and period acting with emphasis on monologues and scenes. Prerequisite: THEA 1A with a minimum grade of C or an equivalent acting class or acting performance experience.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 3A Beginning Improvisation 3.00 Units
An entry level course designed to introduce to students to concepts of improvisation and creative dramatics. It will encourage students to "think out of the box", promoting creative problem solving within a supportive ensemble. Recommended for non-majors (Early Childhood education, Business, Speech/Communication majors especially encouraged) as well as Theatre: AA students.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 3B Intermediate Improvisation 3.00 Units
This course will teach students Long-Form Improvisation. The class will concentrate on finding style and improving skills through various in class, supportive, exercises. We will focus on accepting/supporting, creating honest and strong relationship, and developing complex and engaging circumstances. Prerequisite: THEA 3A with a minimum grade of C/P
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 3C Improvisation in Performance 3.00 Units
From Saturday Night Live to Flash Mobs - Improvisation is part of our culture. Students will get the opportunity to perform as well as teach improvisation techniques and creative dramatics in a supportive and fun atmosphere. The students will also have opportunities to attend and critique the work various local improvisation troupes. Prerequisite: THEA 3B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 4 Modern American Theater 3.00 Units
The history, representation and contributions of various works of Modern American Theater and the study of Modern American theater as an instrument for expressing and understanding cultural identity. The focus will be on at least three of the following cultural groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans. Strongly Recommended: ENG 1A with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 10 Introduction to Dramatic Arts 3.00 Units
A survey of the elements of Theater event and its contribution to cultures and societies throughout history. Recommended Course Preparation: Eligibility for ENG 1A/1AEX
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 11 Stage To Screen 3.00 Units
Major plays which subsequently have been made into films. Analysis of playscripts augmented by a viewing and analysis of the film adaptation. Major areas of concentration vary from semester to semester.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 25 Fundamentals of Stage Speech 3.00 Units
Theory and practice of speech improvement for acting. Development of the voice, articulation and pronunciation for theater production. Covers speeches and oral traditions from 1600 to the present.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 39A Musical THEA Workshop-Begining 3.00 Units
Training in performance skills for the musical theater, with emphasis on acting, stage movement and vocal production. Solo, duet and ensemble work , possibly leading to a culminating public performance.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 39B Musical THEA Workshop-Intermed 3.00 Units
Intermediate training in performance skills for the musical theater, with emphasis on acting, stage movement and vocal production. Study includes written analyses, musical theater staging and basic acting and vocal techniques. Solo, duet, and ensemble work possibly leading to culminating public performance. Prerequisite: THEA 39A with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 39C Musical THEA Workshop-Advanced 3.00 Units
Advanced training in performance skills for the musical theater, with emphasis on acting, stage movement and vocal production. Study includes auditioning techniques and critical analyses of musical theater performances. Culminating public performance required. Prerequisite: THEA 39B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 47A Perform in Prod:Intro Live 3.00 Units
This course provides instruction and supervised participation in theatre rehearsal and performance. On stage participation in cast of scheduled main stage production.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 47B Performance in Prod: Beginning 3.00 Units
As a continuation of THEA 47A, students will participate in the cast of a scheduled main stage production. Emphasis will be on character development, objectives, and actions. Prerequisite: THEA 47A with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 47C Performance in Prod: Intermed. 3.00 Units
This course is a continuation of THEA 47B. Student will participate in the cast of a scheduled main stage production. This course will focus on rehearsal technique, personal creative exploration, and ensemble building and motivated performance response. Prerequisite: THEA 47B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 47D Performance in Prod: Advanced 3.00 Units
As a continuation of THEA 47C, students will continue to develop onstage with participation in the cast of the scheduled main stage production. This course will emphasize complexity and polish in performance, personal and creative development as a theater professional, and outreach and publicity obligations. Prerequisite: THEA 47C with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 48A Tech Theater Prod- Beginning 3.00 Units
Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in any of the following: stage management, house management, construction, scenery, properties, costume, lighting, sound and running crews. Enrollment is for the duration of the semester. Recommended Course Preparation: MATH 107 and THEA 50 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 48B Tech Theater Prod-Intermediate 3.00 Units
Participation in scheduled productions and events as crew members and/or construction of said productions technical elements, including lighting and sound implementation. Enrollment is for the duration of the semester. Students may participate in the design and board operation of multiple productions or events per semester. Prerequisite: THEA 48A with a minimum grade of C Recommended Course Preparation: MATH 107 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 48C Tech Theater Prod- Advanced 3.00 Units
Participation in scheduled productions as assistant stage managers or assistant designers of said productions technical elements, including scenic, costume, lighting and sound design. Enrollment is for the duration of the semester. Students may participate in more than one production per semester, as needed. Prerequisite: THEA 48B and THEA 50L or THEA 51 or MUS 35 or THEA 52 with a minimum grade of C Recommended Course Preparation: MATH 107 or MATH 107B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 48D Tech Theater Prod-Capstone 3.00 Units
Participation in scheduled productions as manager of productions technical elements,which may include stage management, publicity management, or designer's apprentice in lighting, sound, costume, or scenic design. Enrollment is for the duration of the semester. Students may participate in more than one production or event per semester. Prerequisite: THEA 48C, THEA 50L or MUS 35 or THEA 51 or THEA 52 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 50 Stagecraft 3.00 Units
An introduction to technical theatre and the creation of scenic elements. Includes basic concepts of design, painting techniques, set construction, set movement, prop construction, backstage organization, and career possibilities. May include stage management, lighting, and/or sound techniques. Lecture, reading, projects, and practical experience.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 51 Introduction to Costume Design 3.00 Units
Students will study costume history, design, and basic construction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical costuming. Fabrics and their various uses will be investigated. Design and fabrication of costumes for production; components of basic sewing and costume construction; comprehensive overview of the history of fashion and costume, color, manufacturing techniques; Introduction to basic makeup design; makeup application techniques and design; special effects makeup techniques. Recommended Course Preparation: THEA 50 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 55 Movement for the Actor 1.00 Unit
Movement for the Actor is designed to use movement and gesture for furthering skills in character development, enhancing the actor's understanding of their body as a tool for communication. This course focuses on the actor's body and mind connection, and how they might use that connection to further enhance their performance skills. Course included exercises based on various techniques including an introduction to mime, Laban, Viewpoints, character masks, and ensemble development exercises.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 57A Performance Prod- Introduction 3.00 Units
This course provides instruction and supervised participation in theatre rehearsal and performance. On stage participation in cast of scheduled main stage production. Enrollment is for the duration of the production.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 57B Performance in Prod. Beginning 3.00 Units
As a continuation of THEA 57A, students will participate in the cast of a scheduled main stage musical production. Emphasis will be on character development, objectives, and actions. Prerequisite: THEA 57A with a minimum grade of C (May be taken concurrently)
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 57C Performance Prod- Intermediate 3.00 Units
This course is a continuation of THEA 57B. Student will participate in the cast of a scheduled main stage musical production. This course will focus on rehearsal technique, personal creative exploration, and ensemble building and motivated performance response. Prerequisite: THEA 57B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 57D Performance Prod- Advanced 3.00 Units
As a continuation of THEA 57C, students will continue to develop onstage with participation in the cast of the scheduled main stage production. This course will emphasize complexity and polish in performance, personal and creative development as a theater professional, and development as a vocal musician. Prerequisite: THEA 57C with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 58 Stage Combat 2.00 Units
This course introduces students to armed and unarmed stage combat for the theater and entertainment industry with a concentrated focus on partnership, safety, and storytelling through movement. Focus on hand to hand combat and single sword, among others. Students will have the option to complete certification with The Society of American Fight Directors. Strongly Recommended: THEA 1A with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
THEA 60 Business of Acting 1.00 Unit
Students with an interest in pursuing acting beyond the community college setting will work on preparations to audition for theater, film and four-year schools and develop an understanding of the expectations of professional actors. Work on monologues and showcase scenes, cold reading technique included. Prerequisite: THEA 1A with a minimum grade of C May be taken concurrently
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H

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Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:06