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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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Physical Education CC
PEAC 5K1 Train for 1st - 5K (3.1 miles) .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who want to train and complete their first 5K (3.1 miles). In this course students will learn how to prepare physically for this event plus nutritional guidelines for a healthier life.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC AQA1 Aqua Aerobics .50 to 2.00 Units
A conditioning workout that emphasizes cardiovascular endurance activities in the pool. After sufficient warm-up, water exercises that develop increased aerobic efficiency will be performed by students. Student need not be a swimmer to participate in this class. Students will learn about training and prevention of metabolic syndrome through diet and exercise in this course.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC ARH1 Archery 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach the basic skills, techniques, rules of safety and etiquette in archery.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC ARH2 Intermediate Archery .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to enhance intermediate skills of archery and to build on the skills and knowledge from archery 1. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC ARH3 Advanced Archery .50 to 2.00 Units
Advanced instruction in Archery and bowmanship. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC ARH4 Tournament Archery .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to allow the advanced archer to hone their competitive shooting skills a tournament setting. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BAD1 Badminton 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Basic fundamental badminton techniques strategies will be covered.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BAD2 Badminton 2 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is for students who have played Badminton before. Students should already know how to rally, and have knowledge of the rules. This course is not for beginners. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BAD3 Badminton 3 .50 to 2.00 Units
Theory and practice of advanced badminton that includes advanced techniques and tactics. This will include drills, practice, and tournament play. Fitness drills and conditioning will be incorporated into the class. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BAD4 Badminton 4 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who wish to compete in badminton tournaments. The theory and practice of advanced badminton will be covered. This will include drills, practice, fitness conditioning, and tournament play. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BSK1 Basketball 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach the basic skills and mechanics needed to successfully play the game of basketball.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BSK2 Intermediate Basketball .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach intermediate skills of basketball. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BSK3 Advanced Basketball .50 to 2.00 Units
Advanced basketball course is used for advanced skill and training development and game play. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BSK4 Pre-Competitive Basketball .50 to 2.00 Units
Pre Competitive basketball is skills and training and game play to play in a highly competitive setting. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BTC1 Beginning Boot Camp .50 to 2.00 Units
A full body conditioning class that will utilize equipment and facilities available to the general public to create an intense workout. Training in all five of the areas of fitness will be developed. Students will learn about training and prevention of metabolic syndrome through diet and exercise.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC BTC2 Inter Boot Camp Training .50 to 2.00 Units
This is the second in a series of Boot Camp Training for people who want to lose fat and get fit. Prerequisite: PEAC BTC1 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FFL1 Flag Football League .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to teach organized flag football. Basic play design and defensive schemes will be taught in a league structure.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FFL2 Flag Football League 2 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to teach students how to organize and play flag football. Prerequisite: PEAC FFL1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FFL3 Flag Football League 3 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to teach students how to organize and play flag football. Prerequisite: PEAC FFL2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FUN1 Core Conditioning Abs & Hips .50 to 2.00 Units
This beginning course will develop strength and fat loss through a functional strength training program. Course is moderate to hard in intensity. Students will learn about training and prevention of metabolic syndrome through diet and exercise. Strongly Recommended: Personal physician's approval to exercise vigorously. Corequisite: KINE OPE
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FUN2 Inter Functional Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to challenge students who have successfully completed Beginning Functional Training. Course is very hard in intensity. Prerequisite: PEAC FUN1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FUN3 Adv Functional Tr for Fat Loss .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to challenge students who have successfully completed Intermediate Functional Training or FUN 2. Course is very hard in intensity. Prerequisite: PEAC FUN2 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC FUN4 Fat Loss Tr Functional Trainin .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who would like to lower the percentage of body fat through functional training. Prerequisite: PEAC FUN3 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HER1 Basic Heart Rate Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Improvement of cardiovascular fitness through the use of a heart rate monitor. Use of a heart rate monitor, target heart rate training zones and adult type II diabetes prevention will be covered.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HER2 Intermed Heart Rate Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Improvement of overall fitness utilizing a heart rate monitor to enhance the training process Prerequisite: PEAC HEAR or HER1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HTA1 Guts and Butts Workout .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to reduce, tone and strengthen the abdominal areas and the buttocks and thigh region through exercises. Proper techniques for a variety of exercises for specific muscle groups will be presented.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HTA2 Inter Guts and Butts Workout .50 to 2.00 Units
Strenuous exercises to tone, strengthen and reduce the abdominal, buttocks and thigh regions. Prerequisite: PEAC HTA1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HTA3 Adv Hips, Thighs & Abs Workout .50 to 2.00 Units
This an advanced course designed to strengthen, reduce and tone the "core" region of the body through various exercises and techniques. The core region includes: hips, thighs and buttocks; abdominals & obliques; and lower back. A variety of strength and flexibility exercises for these specific muscle body groups will be presented. Prerequisite: PEAC HTA2 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC HTA4 Extrem Hips Thighs Abs Workout .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to provide an extreme high intensity interval functional workout for the whole body. Prerequisite: PEAC HTA3 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC LSF1 Intro Lap Swim for Fitness .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to develop cardiovascular fitness in the accomplished swimmer through aerobic non-stop lap swimming.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC LSF2 Beginning Lap Swim Cardio Fit .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to develop cardiovascular fitness in the accomplished swimmer and introduce the student to competitive swim training concepts. Prerequisite: PEAC LSF1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC LSF3 Intermediate Lap Swimming .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for the Advanced Lap Swimmer to accentuate their cardiovascular fitness as it relates to the competitive swimmer. Introduction to rigorous training of the competitive swimmer. Prerequisite: PEAC LSF2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC LSF4 Advanced Lap Swim Cardio Fit .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for the advanced swimmer who wants to train for competition. Prerequisite: PEAC LSF3 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC PIL1 Introduction to Pilates .50 to 2.00 Units
Pilates develops a strong core or center of the body through body awareness, good posture and easy, graceful movement while improving flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Students will learn about training and prevention of metabolic syndrome through diet and exercise in this course.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC PIL2 Intermediate Pilates .50 to 2.00 Units
Pilates develops a strong core or center through body awareness, good posture and easy graceful movement while improving flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Intermediate Pilates will build on the basic principles learned in PIL1. Students will learn about eating to support an active lifestyle as well as principles of total wellness. Prerequisite: PEAC PIL1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC PIL3 Advanced Pilates .50 to 2.00 Units
This course will enable the student to participate in Pilates exercise routines for body and mind fitness. Pilates develops a strong core or center through body awareness, good posture and easy graceful movement while improving flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Advanced Pilates will build on the basic principles learned in PIL2. Students will learn about eating to support an active lifestyle as well as principles of total wellness. Prerequisite: PEAC PIL2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC PIL4 Functional Pilates .50 to 2.00 Units
This course will enable the student to participate in Pilates exercise routines for body and mind fitness. Pilates develops a strong core or center through body awareness, good posture and easy, graceful movement while improving flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Functional Pilates will build on the basic principles learned in PIL3. Students will learn about eating to support an active lifestyle as well as principles of total wellness. Prerequisite: PEAC PIL3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SBB1 Sport-Specific Train Baseball .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to increase an individual's specific skills in the sport of baseball.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SBB2 Spec. Train 2 Baseball .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to increase physical conditioning, skill level, and knowledge in the sport of baseball. Individual baseball player to increase their specific physical conditioning, skill/technique level. Students must have experience and a high level of skill to enroll in this course. Prerequisite: PEAC SSB1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SBB3 Adv Specific Training Baseball .50 to 2.00 Units
Students will learn resistance and plyometric training methods to dramatically improve bat, leg and throwing speed. Students must have experience in resistance training and a high level of skill in the sport of baseball to enroll in this course. Prerequisite: PEAC SBB2 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SOC1 Soccer 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Emphasizes the fundamental skills and strategies of soccer. This course focuses on rules, etiquette, safety, and soccer skills, such as dribbling, passing, shooting and defending. Offensive and defensive positions and basic team strategies are also addressed. No previous soccer experience is necessary.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SOC2 Intermediate Soccer .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to give the student an understanding and training in the advanced principles of competitive soccer. Prerequisite: PEAC SOC1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SOC3 Advanced Soccer .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed to give the student an advanced understanding of the more complex principles of the game so that they can apply them in the game situation. Prerequisite: PEAC SOC2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SOC4 Advanced Club Level Soccer .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for the student who has aspirations to club level soccer in the local recreational leagues. Prerequisite: PEAC SOC3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SPM1 Plyo, Speed & Agility for Men .50 to 2.00 Units
Course focuses on the development of speed, agility and plyometric training for men. Training will include speed training, progressive plyometric techniques, agility drills, flexibility exercises and core strengthening techniques. Health and nutritional issues specific to athletics will also be addressed. Strongly Recommended: Previous athletic experience
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SPM2 Inter. Speed and Plyo Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Intermediate course on the development of speed and power for men. Training will have a strong emphasis on advanced plyometric training techniques plyometric training techniques along with speed and agility training. Prerequisite: PEAC SPM1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SPM3 Adv Plyometric Traning for Men .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for men who want to continue to improve their ability to jump high and sprint fast. Prerequisite: PEAC SPM2 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SWM1 Beginning Swimming .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach proficiency in the basic strokes of swimming. No prior knowledge or skill in swimming is needed to join this course.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SWM2 Intermediate Swimming .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who have completed beginning swimming (SWM1). Intermediate stroke development will be presented in this course. Prerequisite: PEAC SWM1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SWM3 Advanced Swimming .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for those students who would like to learn advanced strokes in swimming. Prerequisite: PEAC SWM2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC SWM4 High Level Swimming .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who are interested in acquiring the swimming skills and conditioning necessary to compete at a high level. Prerequisite: PEAC SWM3
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TBB1 Tournament Baseball League .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students to develop sport specific individual, group and team skills while participating in actual Baseball games. An extensive baseball background and previous experience is needed for success in this class. Strongly Recommended: Students need an extensive baseball background and skill set. Students should be a member of a team and/or established and recognized baseball league.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TBB2 Inter Tournament Baseball .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for advanced baseball students to improve sport specific individual, group and team skills while participating in actual baseball games. An extensive baseball background and previous experience is needed for success in this class. Prerequisite: PEAC TBB1. Strongly Recommended: Student should be a member of a team and/or established and recognized baseball league.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TBB3 Advanced Tournament Baseball .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students with existing advanced baseball skills to participate in competitive baseball games and increase existing skill levels. Prerequisite: PEAC TBB2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TEN1 Tennis 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Introduction to the game of tennis. The course will involve basic stroking methods, conditioning techniques, historical background, rules, scoring, as well as, singles and doubles strategies.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TEN2 Tennis 2 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed for those students who have completed Tennis 1. The course will involve more techniques on the strokes of tennis, introducing spin as a control technique, footwork patterns, conditioning, historical background, rules, scoring, as well as strategy and court positioning for singles and doubles play. Prerequisite: PEAC TEN1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TEN3 Tennis 3 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is for tennis players who are at an advanced level of play. The course will involve singles and doubles strategies that utilize high percentage play, footwork and conditioning drills, strategies for courts positioning in both singles and doubles play. Prerequisite: PEAC TEN2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC TEN4 Tennis 4 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is designed for those tennis players who are competing in tournaments or league play. The course will cover strategy, court positioning, footwork and conditioning, and tennis strokes technique. Prerequisite: PEAC TEN3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WAP1 Intro to Water Polo .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to provide the student the opportunity to develop their skills in water polo. Aspects of leadership, team play, sportsmanship, and other social values are concomitant objectives. Students will learn about training and prevention of metabolic syndrome through diet and exercise in this course.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WAP2 Beginning Water Polo .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed continue to enhance and to develop strategic play necessary for tournament play. Prerequisite: PEAC WAP1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WEI1 Intro Weight Train 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach the basic elements of weight training and prepare the student's body; i.e., muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints to endure weight training. Emphasis on developing muscle strength balances in the 3 different planes of motion and muscular endurance training. Circuit training will be utilized.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WEI2 Intermediate Weight Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to focus on increasing the muscular hypertrophy of the prime movers. Workout templates will be provided that stimulate and provoke high and positive chemical changes within the muscle system. Prerequisite: PEAC WEI1 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WEI3 Advanced Weight Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to teach the student advanced lifts and training methods in weight training and to develop the highest level of force and to become significantly stronger through the use of muscular strength training stimulus. The student will learn to synchronize their muscles involved in the exercise. Prerequisite: PEAC WEI2 (completed with a grade of "P" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WEI4 Training for Power .50 to 2.00 Units
This is a course designed to increase the muscular power of the student through high velocity training. Emphasis on improving neuromuscular coordination through the utilization of the stretch-reflex principle and higher rates of acceleration through lighter training loads. Prerequisite: PEAC WEI3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WLK1 Walking for Fitness 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
This course is for students of all fitness levels who would like to utilize walking as a fitness enhancing activity. Walking routes begin on campus and explore a multitude of nearby parks and trails. Topics to be discussed include: fitness and health assessment, equipment and safety, walking techniques, motivation, nutrition basics, program design and evaluation, volkssporting and more.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WLK2 Advanced Walking for Fitness .50 to 2.00 Units
This is course is for students of intermediate-to-advanced fitness levels who would like to utilize walking as a fitness enhancing activity. Walking routes are on campus and will utilize the stadium bleachers, stairs and track. Multiple discussion topics will include: interval training, fitness and health assessment, FITT principles, equipment and safety, walking techniques, motivation, nutrition basics program design and evaluation. Students will learn about target heart rate training and recording and monitoring their heart rate in this course. Prerequisite: PEAC WLK1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WLK3 Adv Cardio Fitness Walking .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to develop advanced cardiovascular fitness through walking and a series of supplemental exercises. Prerequisite: PEAC WLK2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WLK4 Walk/Jog for Total Fitness .50 to 2.00 Units
The fourth in a series of walking fitness courses to improve cardiovascular fitness. The goal of this course is bridge the gap between walking and jogging through a gradual and progressive training plan. Prerequisite: PEAC WLK3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WOW1 Women's Weight Training 1 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to provide introductory information on physical fitness and strength training through the use of progressive resistance exercises.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WOW2 Women's Weight Training 2 .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to provide basic information to students wishing to improve their physical fitness through the use of progressive resistance exercises. The material for the course is predicated upon the use of sound physiological principles. Prerequisite: PEAC WOW1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC WOW3 Advanced Resistance Training .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed to provide advanced information to students wishing to improve their physical fitness through the use of progressive resistance exercises. Students will learn about advanced training methods and develop advanced personal workout programs. Prerequisite: PEAC WOW2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC YOG1 Introduction to Yoga .50 to 2.00 Units
This course explores the basic principles of Hatha Yoga and how they apply to achieving lifetime fitness. It incorporates yoga postures (asanas) designed to strengthen and tone the body. Breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation techniques are learned and practiced throughout the course.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC YOG2 Intermediate Yoga .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who have completed beginning yoga (YOG1) and are ready to progress to more complex moves in Hatha yoga. Prerequisite: PEAC YOG1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC YOG3 Advanced Yoga .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for students who have completed Yoga 2 and are ready to study more advanced and complicated asanas. Prerequisite: PEAC YOG2.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
PEAC YOG4 Yoga for Life .50 to 2.00 Units
Designed for the advanced yoga student to learn yoga routines that can be performed throughout life. Prerequisite: PEAC YOG3.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:06