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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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Noncredit Math- LPC
NMAT 200C Concurrent Support SLAM Math .00 Units
Concurrent Support for SLAM Math is for students interested in disciplines that require Statistics and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) courses. This course offers structured support to students who are concurrently enrolled in a first-level transfer course, such as Statistics and Mathematics for Liberal Arts, and Finite Mathematics. The support course includes material to prepare students for the rigor of the transfer math course by teaching learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses as well as review of relevant prerequisite algebraic and geometric concepts, and more in-depth investigation of core concepts in their concurrent math course. Corequisite: MATH 40 or MATH 47 or MATH 33
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 201C Concurrent Support BSTEM Math .00 Units
Concurrent Support for BSTEM Math is for students interested in Business, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical fields. This course offers structured support to students who are concurrently enrolled in a first-level transfer course, such as College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Business Calculus. The support course includes material to prepare students for the rigor of the transfer math course by teaching learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses as well as review of relevant prerequisite algebraic and geometric concepts, and more in-depth investigation of core concepts in their concurrent math course. Corequisite: MATH 30 or MATH 39 or MATH 34 This is a one-way corequisite. Everyone taking this NMAT 201C concurrent support course must be taking a Math 30, Math 39 or Math 34 class concurrently. However, not everyone taking Math 30 or Math 39 or Math 34 would have to take this NMAT 201C concurrent support course.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 202C Just In Time Tutoring for Math .00 Units
This course offers individualized support tailored to college students seeking assistance with their mathematics coursework. Trained tutors and instructors will provide tutoring in foundational mathematics subjects. Students will also develop the study skills needed to succeed in their math classes.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 255C Concurrent Support Int.Algebra .00 Units
This course is concurrent support for Intermediate Algebra. The course is designed to provide additional, formal support to students who are currently taking an Intermediate Algebra. It includes a review of arithmetic, algebraic and geometric concepts that are relevant to their Intermediate Algebra course, study strategies that promote understanding and improve performance, and more in-depth investigation of core concepts that are difficult for students to master. Embedded are learning skills such as growth mindset, brain research, time management, study skills, test taking, math anxiety and more. Corequisite: NMAT 255 This is a one-way corequisite for NMAT 255. Everyone taking this NMAT 255C concurrent support course must be taking a NMAT 255 class concurrently. However, not everyone taking NMAT 255 would have to take this NMAT 255C concurrent support course. or Corequisite: MATH 55 This is a one-way corequisite for MATH 55. Everyone taking this NMAT 255C concurrent support course must be taking a MATH 55 class concurrently. However, not everyone taking Math 55 would have to take this NMAT 255C concurrent support course. or Corequisite: NMAT 250 This is a one-way corequisite for NMAT 250. Everyone taking this NMAT 255C concurrent support course must be taking a NMAT 250 class concurrently. However, not everyone taking NMAT 250 would have to take this NMAT 255C concurrent support course. or Corequisite: MATH 50 This is a one-way corequisite for MATH 50. Everyone taking this NMAT 255C concurrent support course must be taking a Math 50 class concurrently. However, not everyone taking MATH 50 would have to take this NMAT 255C concurrent support course.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 256 Geometry .00 Units
Topics include congruence, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, circles, expressing geometric properties with equations, geometric measurement and dimension, modeling with geometry, conditional probability and the rules of probability, and using probability to make decisions. Prerequisite: MATH 110 or NMAT 210 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 264 Math Jam for SLAM Prep .00 Units
Math Jam for SLAM Prep is for students preparing for math courses in Statistics and Probability or Mathematics for Liberal Arts. Math Jam is a FREE noncredit program designed to help students prepare for their upcoming math class at a community college. Embedded are essential study and life skills to develop each student holistically, including career development. Students will be learning prerequisite algebraic and basic probability material with the goal of preparing them to be successful in their upcoming first-level transfer course of Statistics or Math for Liberal Arts class. It is strongly recommended that students taking this course be enrolled in Math 40: Statistics and Probability or Math 47: Mathematics for Liberal Arts at Las Positas College.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
NMAT 265 Math Jam for BSTEM Prep .00 Units
Math Jam for BSTEM Prep is for students preparing for math courses in College Algebra, Trigonometry, Business Calculus and review prior to Calculus I. Math Jam is a noncredit program designed to help students prepare for their upcoming STEM focused math class at a community college. Embedded are essential study and life skills to develop each student holistically, including career development. Students will be learning pre-transfer level material with the goal of preparing them to be successful in their upcoming class. It is strongly recommended that students taking this course are enrolled in a community college math course.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:07