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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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Music-Lit,Theory and Music CC
MUSL 1 Introduction to Music 3.00 Units
Music for enjoyment and understanding through informed listening, analysis, evaluation and discernment of musical elements, forms, and repertoire. Attendance at concerts and listening to a variety of music is required.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 2A Harmony and Musicianship I 4.00 Units
This course is a study of the fundamentals concepts of Western music theory. These concepts are applicable to both classical and popular styles. The study addresses notation, fundamental theoretical concepts, their relationship to the evolution of musical aesthetics in Western culture, musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, and keyboard realization, and basic composition. Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 or equivalent skills
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 2B Harmony and Musicianship II 4.00 Units
This course is a study of harmony and voice leading in the Western Common Practice and is continuation of MUSL 2A. Topics include diatonic functionality, four-part voice leading, simple musical structures, harmonic and formal analysis, and musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, dictation, and keyboard realization. Prerequisite: MUSL 2A.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 2C Harmony and Musicianship III 4.00 Units
This course is a continuation of study from MUSL 2B and presents the study of harmony and voice-leading in the Western Common Practice. Topics include sequences, melodic and rhythmic figuration, leading-tone 7th chords, mixture, applied dominants and modulation, four-part voice leading, large formal structures, harmonic and formal analysis, and musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, and keyboard realization. Prerequisite: MUSL 2B.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 2D Harmony and Musicianship IV 4.00 Units
Study of advanced chromatic harmony and 20th century harmonic practices. Musicianship skills include sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, and keyboard realization of chromatic and 20th century materials. Prerequisite: MUSL 2C.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 3 World Music 3.00 Units
The study of the folk and art music of world cultures. Includes the traditional music of Sub-Saharan Africa. Middle East, China, Japan, Indonesia, India, Latin America, Europe, and Native America. Attendance at four concerts in the San Francisco Bay Area required.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 4 History of Jazz Music 3.00 Units
History, trends, and influences of the phenomenon of jazz beginning with pre-Dixieland early 1900's covering the various eras including Swing, Be-Bop and post Be-Bop to present day.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 6 Basic Music Skills 3.00 Units
An introduction to the notation and primary elements of tonal music. Development of skills in handwritten notation is expected.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 8 Hist Rock & Roll/Popular Music 3.00 Units
A cultural survey of original American music traditions, forms and trends as an instrument for expressing and understanding cultural identity. The focus will be on at least three of the following cultural groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
MUSL 28 Musical Structure & Songwritng 3.00 Units
Study of contemporary rock and popular music theory with a songwriting implementation. Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) Students should have fundamental skills in reading music notation, note identification, knowledge of scales and some knowledge of chords.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:06