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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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History LPC
HIST 1 Western Civilization to 1600 3.00 Units
This course traces the origins and development of Western civilization from its beginnings in the Ancient Near East, the Fertile Crescent, and the Middle East, through its expansion into Greece, Rome, and the rest of Europe. Topics include the rise and expansion of Christianity and Islam, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Protestant Reformation.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 2 Western Civilization Since1600 3.00 Units
This course traces the history of Western civilization from the 1600s to the present. Topics include the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution; the American and French Revolutions; World Wars I and II; the Cold War and its end; and the challenges of the modern era.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 3 World History to 1500 3.00 Units
Survey of the experience of all peoples with vastly different cultures inhabiting a single globe. Emphasizes the emergence of human communities, formation of complex societies, development of major belief systems and interaction with the environment based on experience, knowledge, and technology to c. 1500.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 4 World History since 1500 3.00 Units
This course covers the experience of all the world?s people from the early modern era to the present. Emphasis is upon the interaction of people with the environment based on the development of technology and conflict between traditional systems and new(er) orders. Broader forces that affect civilizations such as borderlands, exploration and travel, gender and class will be studied.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 7 US Hist.Through Reconstruction 3.00 Units
A survey of United States history from its pre-colonial, indigenous origins through the end of Reconstruction. Emphasis on (1) distinctively American patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual and geographic developments, (2) the interaction amongst and the experiences of diverse racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups in American History, and (3) the evolution of American institutions and ideals including the U.S. Constitution, the operations of the U.S. government, and the rights and obligations of U.S. citizens under the Constitution.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 8 US Hist. Post-Reconstruction 3.00 Units
History of the United States from the post-Civil War period to the present. Emphasis on (1) distinctively American patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual and geographic developments, (2) the framework of California state and local government, and the relationship between state/local government and the federal government.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 14 American Cultures of Cali. 3.00 Units
The history of California from its pre-contact societies to the present, with particular attention to the following periods: Spanish exploration and colonization; the Mexican Revolution; American conquest and the Gold Rush; the Progressive Era; the Great Depression and World War II; and the social movements of the 1960's. In addition to exploring the major political, economic, technological, social, cultural, and environmental developments that have shaped California's history, this course will focus on the distinct and overlapping experiences of the state's Native American, Latino American, African American, Asian American, and European American populations.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 25 American Indian History 3.00 Units
Historical survey of American Indians in the United States from earliest times to the present day. Emphasis on Indian societies and cultures, Indian relations with predominant cultures, Indian movement for self-preservation and historical background necessary to understand contemporary problems of the Indians. Emphasis on the Indians of California and the West.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 28 History of American West 3.00 Units
A history of the trans-Mississippi West of the United States. Emphasis will be placed on Native American history and cultures, European and Anglo-American frontiers, expansion of the United States in the 19th century, and the interaction of Native American, European American, Asian American, African American and Hispanic American peoples, and the significance of the West in American history.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
HIST 32 U.S. Womens History 3.00 Units
A survey of United States women's history from its indigenous origins through the present. This course emphasizes the interaction and experiences of diverse racial/ethnic groups that include at least three of the following groups: African-Americans, Chicana/Latina Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, and Native Americans. Special areas of focus include women's role in the political, economic, social, and geographic development of the United States.
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL

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Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:07