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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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This is the course catalog for the current academic year. When you have finished click the BACK button on your browser or the Return to CLASS-Web link at the bottom of the page

Geological Sciences
GEOS 11 Physical Geology 3.00 Units
Introduction to the study of the scientific composition and dynamics of the Earth. Topics include the formation of the Earth, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrology, geomorphology and the interactions between humans and the geologic environment.
College: Chabot College
Division: Science and Math
GEOS 11L Physical Geology Lab 1.00 Unit
Laboratory course to supplement GEOS 11 Physical Geology lecture course. Introduction to the materials and techniques of geology. Includes minerals, rocks, topographic and geologic maps, structural geology, identification and interpretation of landforms, geologic time and relative age dating analysis, etc. Prerequisite: GEOS 11 May be taken concurrently
College: Chabot College
Division: Science and Math

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:06