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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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GEOL 1 Physical Geology 3.00 Units
The Earth, its materials, its internal and external processes, and its development through time. Emphasis is placed on a thorough global understanding of Plate Tectonics as a framework and foundation for subsequent geologic topics and concepts. Topics include volcanoes, earthquakes and seismology, the Geologic Time Scale and the formation of the earth, rocks and minerals, hydrology, erosion, beach systems, environmental geology, glaciation, groundwater, etc. Course content includes the difference between theory and fact and the historical development of key geologic concepts. This is the foundation course for almost all subsequent geology courses for both geology majors and non-majors.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 1L Physical Geology Laboratory 1.00 Unit
Laboratory course to supplement the physical geology lecture course. Introduction to the materials and techniques of geology. Includes minerals, rocks, topographic and geologic maps, structural geology, identification and interpretation of landforms, geologic time and relative age dating analysis, etc. Prerequisite: GEOL 1 or GEOL 5 or GEOL 7 with a minimum grade of C (May be taken concurrently).
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 5 Environmental Geology: Hazards 3.00 Units
Understanding and planning for the effects of natural hazards and disasters on the earth, the ecosystem and human populations. Content covers the basic natural hazard processes, where and why they occur, as well as considerations for environmental land-use planning. Environmental hazards studied include earthquakes, volcanoes, river systems (including floods and dams), landslides, coastal erosion, tsunamis, sinkholes, etc.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 7 Environmental Geology:Resource 3.00 Units
Understanding how and where Earth's environmental resources are created and located, and then studying how the resources are accessed and utilized. Topics include rock and mineral resources, energy resources (including fossil fuel and non-fossil fuel resources), water (including rivers, reservoirs, groundwater, etc.), waste disposal (including water and air pollution), global climate changes (including the greenhouse effect), etc.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 12 Introduction to Oceanography 3.00 Units
Introduction to the oceans, the history of oceanic science, instrumentation and exploration; marine geology including plate tectonics and shoreline processes; physical and chemical properties of sea water; causes and effects of currents, tides, and waves; introduction to the basic types of marine life, the basic marine habitats and ecosystems; distribution of marine resources and the Law of the Sea.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 12L Intro to Oceanography Lab 1.00 Unit
Laboratory course to supplement the oceanography lecture course. Introduction to the materials and techniques of oceanic science. Includes sea floor rocks, oceanic geography, bathymetric maps, seismic reflection, seawater physics and chemistry, beach sand, tides, waves, marine life and marine fossils, sea floor spreading rates, etc. Prerequisite: GEOL12 (may be taken concurrently).
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM
GEOL 20 Earth Science for Educators 4.00 Units
An introduction to the essentials of Earth Science with a laboratory. Topics include the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and solar system. This course focuses on the interactions between physical and chemical systems of the Earth such as the tectonic cycle, rock cycle, hydrologic cycle, weather and climate.
College: Las Positas College
Division: STEM

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:07