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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2024-2025

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CHEM 1A General College Chemistry I 5.00 Units
Introduction to atomic structure, bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gases, matter and energy, oxidation-reduction, chemical equations, liquids and solids, solutions, chemical energetics and equilibrium. Laboratory includes both quantitative and qualitative experiments. Chabot Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 55B CHEM 31 or skill level demonstrated through the Chemistry Placement Process. LPC Prerequisites: CHEM 31 with a grade of C. The CHEM 31 prerequisite can be fulfilled by demonstrating the appropriate skill level in the Chemistry Placement Process. Intermediate Algebra or a higher level of mathematics.
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 1B General College Chemistry II 5.00 Units
Continuation of Chemistry 1A. Includes chemical energetics and equilibria, solutions and ionic equilibria, acid-base chemistry, electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, kinetics, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry, and the chemistry of family groups of the periodic table. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative techniques, including instrumentation, and qualitative analysis. Prerequisite: Chemistry 1A with a minimum grade of C
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 10 Introduction to Chemistry 4.00 Units
A non-mathematical survey of the basic concepts of chemistry designed for non-science majors. Basic structure, properties and reactivity of matter and energy as they relate to our environmental nutrition, material science and other current topics.
College: Chabot College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 12A Organic Chemistry I 5.00 Units
Hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, and an introduction to aromatic hydrocarbons. Structure, bonding, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, nomenclature, and physical properties in relation to these particular groups of compounds. Emphasis on reactivity and reaction mechanisms. Laboratory work includes microscale, macroscale, spectroscopic, and chromatographic techniques. Chemistry 12A is the first semester in a year long course in organic chemistry designed for students majoring in chemistry and related disciplines. Prerequisite: CHEM 1B with a minimum grade of C
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry II 5.00 Units
Chabot Description: Introduction to the chemistry of dienes, aromatics, amines, carbanions, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives, aldehydes, ketones and biochemical topics focusing on structure, synthesis, and mechanisms of reaction. Laboratory work in basic techniques, synthetic methods, qualitative, spectroscopic, and chromatographic analysis techniques. Chemistry 12B is the second semester in a year course in Organic Chemistry designed for students majoring in Chemistry related disciplines. Prerequisite: CHEM 12A. LPC Description: Continuation of Chemistry 12A with an introduction to the chemistry of aromatics, amines, enols and enolate ions, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones and biochemical topics focusing on structure, synthesis and mechanisms of reaction. Laboratory work in basic techniques, synthetic methods, qualitative, spectroscopic, and chromatographic analysis techniques designed for students whose interests require a full year in-depth study of organic chemistry. Prerequisite: Chemistry 12A with a minimum grade of C
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 30A Intro and Applied Chemistry I 4.00 Units
Chemistry of inorganic compounds, atomic theory, bonding, equations, gas laws, solutions, acid-base theory and oxidation-reduction. Designed to meet the requirements of certain programs in allied health and technological fields and for general education. Chabot Prerequisite: MTH 65, MTH 65B or, MTH 65L or, MTH 53 or, MTH 53B (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) LPC Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra or a higher level of mathematics.
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 30B Intro and Applied Chemistry II 4.00 Units
Continuation of Chemistry 30A with emphasis on organic and biochemical concepts related to human physiological systems. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30A with a minimum grade of C
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 31 Intro to College Chemistry 4.00 Units
Elementary concepts of chemistry with emphasis on mathematical calculations; includes nomenclature, stoichiometry, atomic structure, gas laws, and acids and bases. Designed for majors in science and engineering. Chabot Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 55B. LPC Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra or a higher level of mathematics.
College: Chabot College, Las Positas College
Division: Science and Math
CHEM 201 Chemistry Jam and Prep .00 Units
This fully online and asynchronous course is designed to help students who have minimal high school chemistry experience to better prepare for CHEM 1A. This course can also be used as a prerequisite for CHEM 1A for students who have no prior chemistry experience.
College: Chabot College
Division: Science and Math

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:07