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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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PSCN 1 Intro PSCN in a Multi-Cult Env 3.00 Units
Intro to psychology-counseling theory, skills, techniques, and processes in working with individuals and/or groups. Multiculturalism in American society. Emphasis placed on issues and processes of a minority-majority environment. Includes review of demographics, social services, community agencies, and intervention programs. Fundamental counseling techniques, counseling theory and socio-cultural issues related to working in the "service provider" role. Strongly recommended: eligibility for English 1A and completion of Psychology-Counseling 13.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 2 Intro Case Mgmt for Humn Serv 3.00 Units
Introduction to case management theory, models and techniques. Multicultural issues affecting case management theory. Emphasis placed on case management philosophy, ethical issues, concepts and practices. Analysis of needs, documentation and confidentiality and individualized consumer plan development. Analysis of inter-agency collaboration. Includes issues of monitoring an ongoing case management plan and maintaining consumer commitment to plan success. Designed to provide students with knowledge in case management theory implementation for Human Service, Social Work and/or Mental Health. Strongly recommended: Psychology-Counseling 1.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 3 Drugs, Recovery & Prevention 3.00 Units
Introductory course in the epidemiology and toxicology of substance abuse and addiction and their effects on individuals and society at large. Basic terminology used in alcohol, psychoactive drugs and other addiction terms will be covered. Examination of side effects of licit and illicit drugs, pharmacologic, neurologic and physiologic effects of addictive substances. Analyze theories of socioeconomic and political ramifications in the drug industry. Investigate models of prevention, treatments, recovery, local resources and client monitoring. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 4 Multiethnic/Cultural Communic 3.00 Units
Exploration of intercultural and interethnic individual behavior in relationships and the communication between and within at least three of five cultural/ethnic groups in the United States: (1) African-Americans, (2) Asian- Americans, (3) Native/Indigenous Americans, (4) Pacific Islander-Americans, (5) Hispanic-Americans. Ethnic/cultural social norms influencing interpersonal communication. Antecedents of successful and failed interpersonal ethnic/ cultural communication styles and increase understanding of these styles. Significant practice and discussion of individual/group communication styles. Development of individual communication styles between individuals in dominant and emerging subcultures that inhibit individual goal achievement. Use of social science methods of inquiry in interpersonal communication as it applies to successful functioning in and between individuals of different ethnic/cultural groups.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 5 Intr to Soc Wk & Hum Services 3.00 Units
Introduction to human services field. Includes history, ethics, values, and principles of human and social services. Focus on modern practice, research techniques, and skills. Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 10 Career and Education Planning 2.00 Units
Exploration of the concept of career, educational and life planning focusing on personal career development through self-assessment. Emphasis on clarification of individual interests, values, needs, abilities and decision making styles, investigation of occupational opportunities in the world of work, and introduction to job search strategies, resume writing and interview skills. Designed for those undecided or uncertain about their career and educational plans.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 11 Interpersonal Relationships 2.00 Units
Exploration of behavior in interactions with others. Improving interpersonal relationships to benefit academic, career, and personal development.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 12 Self-Esteem For Success 2.00 Units
Exploration of causes of low self-esteem, methods for building self-esteem and habits for success. Designed to improve self-esteem to ensure academic success.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 13 Multicultural Issues/America 3.00 Units
Exploration of issues relating to the multicultural community in which we live. Interpersonal relations and communication. Focus on improving individual's understanding of other cultures and how those cultures impact the American lifestyle. Includes exploration of myths and misunderstandings. Discussion of four specific cultures or sub-cultures from the following groups: 1) African-American, 2) Asian-American, 3) Hispanic-American, 4) Native-American, 5) Middle Eastern-American, 6) European-American, 7) Gay/Lesbian American, 8) Disabled American.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 15 College Study Skills 2.00 Units
A review of study skill techniques for success in college. Topics include college culture and resources, time management, personal learning style, organization, note-taking and test-preparation strategies. Includes practice and evaluation of study skill techniques.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 18 University/Transfer Planning .50 to 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the resources and planning process needed to ease transition from community college to a four-year college or university. Development of a transfer action plan. Preparation for major and general education requirements. Application cycles and important deadlines. Recommended for those transferring to four-year colleges or universities.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 20 The College Experience 2.00 Units
Academic programs, college policies, student rights and responsibilities, graduation and transfer requirements, student services, campus resources and activities. Designed for first time, returning, and re-entry students to ease transition into college and maximize successful matriculation through college towards academic/vocational goals. May not be taken for credit if General Studies 20 has been completed.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 21 Strategies for College Success 1.00 Unit
Assessment of learning and college life. Introduction to practical strategies for success in college. Includes student academic programs, college policies, student rights and responsibilities, graduation and transfer requirements, and campus resources and activities. Designed for first-time, returning and re-entry students to ease transition into college and maximize success towards their academic goals. May not be taken for credit if Psychology Counseling 20 or General Studies 20 has been completed.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 22 College Success Lecture Series .50 to 1.50 Units
Workshop format focusing on practical strategies for success in college. Workshop topics may include personal, academic and/or career goal setting; transitioning and adapting to higher education; educational planning for graduation and/or transfer; support services and campus resources; majors and careers; plus other topics as student needs are identified. Designed for all students to maximize their potential with emphasis on enhancing the new student's transition into college.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 23 Create Succe in College & Life 3.00 Units
A course designed to equip students for lifelong learning and developing critical thinking that will facilitate their adjustment to the college environment and the successful pursuit of their educational and career goals. This course provides an introduction to academic skills and strategies, campus resources and activities, decision making and planning, college policies and procedures, interpersonal communication, stress management techniques, self-exploration and goal setting, and student rights and responsibilities.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 24 Personal Growth 1.00 Unit
The course is designed for students with disabilities to improve life management skills. Through this course, students explore behaviors by interacting with others and improving interpersonal skills to benefit academic, career, and personal development.
College: Chabot College
Division: Special Programs, CHA
PSCN 25 Transition to College .50 Units
A Survey of practical strategies for academic success focusing on the new student. Examines goal setting, college policies, graduation requirements, campus resources, student rights and responsibilities, and student educational planning. Designed for the first time college student in order to enhance their transition into college and maximize their academic/vocational potential. PSCN 25 is a hybrid course that includes: 1. Math/English Assessment, 2. Online orientation, and 3. group academic program planning session. For more information, see the section titled "Online Learning" in this schedule, or go to:
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 26 College Success/Chicano Exper 1.00 Unit
Investigation of the relationship between Chicano cultural experiences and college success. Emphasis on examination of how Chicano cultural experience can affect collegiate success.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 30 Life Transitions 3.00 Units
Enhance knowledge, and skills and abilities to effectively manage the transitions encountered throughout life.
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA
PSCN 85 Fieldwork: Soc wk & Hum Servic 3.00 Units
Field work experience in social and human services. Supervised hands on experience working in local agency or community based organization. 90 hours of field work required. One unit of credit is earned for each 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of volunteer work per semester. Prerequisite: PSCN 5 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher). Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher), PSCN 13 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Counseling, CHA

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Last Updated 03/06/2025 13:08