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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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Political Science LPC
POLI 7 Intro to American Government 4.00 Units
Introduction to the principles, problems and basic issues of government with particular emphasis on the national government in the United States, including discussion of the American Constitution, and California state and local government. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENG 1A
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
POLI 20 Comparative Government 3.00 Units
Contemporary forms of government, institutions and political problems of selected national governments. Strongly Recommended: POLI 7 with a minimum grade of C Eligibility for ENG 1A
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
POLI 25 Intro to Political Theory 3.00 Units
Various theoretical approaches to politics including selected aspects of political thought from ancient times to the present with application to current political thought. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENG 1A, POLI 7 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL
POLI 26 Intro Gender, Sexuality, Poli. 3.00 Units
Gender, Sexuality, and Politics illustrates that politics involves more than the institutions of government and representation. Politics also revolves around social, cultural, economic, and legal structures as well. The course examines the impact of politics on the lives of cis women and LGBTQ people and their reciprocal impact on politics, primarily in United States but contextualized using intersectional and comparative methods. Students will think critically about the theories and relationship of gender, sexuality, and power. Assessment of the role and impact of individuals, groups, and cultural attitudes and traditions involved in the women?s and LGBTQ rights movements, exploring the debates over theory and strategy that have worked to their advantage and disadvantage to achieve social policy aimed at bringing equality. The course uses historical and topical approaches, analyzing the struggles for gaining a political voice and participation, with discussion of public policies, and a critique of contemporary issues and self-perceptions that affect cis women and LGBTQ people's political rights. Strongly Recommended: POLI 7 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: BSSL

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/31/2025 13:10