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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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Interior Design CC
ID 48 Drafting for Interior Design 3.00 Units
This course will introduce basic drafting techniques as related to architectural working drawings for interior design. Emphasis is on lettering, measuring techniques, scale problems, use of architectural and NKBA graphic standards, dimensioning, plans, elevations, sections, and perspective drawings.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 49 Digital Tools for Dsn/Vis Comm 4.00 Units
Introduction to digital tools with computer-aided design drafting. Ability to effectively use basic design principles in two dimensions. Topics include command basics including drawing entity creation and modification, industry layering standards, text and dimensioning systems appropriate to architecture, creating symbol libraries, external reference techniques, model and paper space commands, and plotting techniques. May not receive credit if ARCH 68 has been completed.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 50 Residential Space Planning 3.00 Units
Basic techniques in planning space for interiors. Private and group living spaces, support systems, functional planning of interior space, and color in space planning. Strongly Recommended: ID 48 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 51 Digital Drafting Principles I 3.00 Units
Introduction to vocabulary, tools, and graphic techniques for interior designers, communication utilizing computer aid methods, with emphasis on residential interior design drawings including elevations, perspectives, rendering and 3 dimensional modeling. Prerequisite: ID 49 or ID 68 or ARCH 68 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) Strongly Recommended: ID 48 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 52 HIst of Interiors and Furnishi 3.00 Units
A survey of the history of interiors and furnishings from Egyptian period to the present. Emphasis on furniture styles and ornamentation.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 54 Principles of Interior Design 3.00 Units
The course is intended to provide students with the knowledge of elements and principles of design as they apply to interiors and to analyze interiors using basic design concepts. Emphasis is on the use of color and texture in the selection of home furnishings.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 55 Introduction to Textiles 3.00 Units
The textile industry and its effects on the apparel and home furnishings markets. Fiber identification, yarn and fabric construction, and decoration. Emphasis on consumer information, fabric performance, care and labeling, and legal responsibilities of the industry.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 58 Fundamentals of Lighting 3.00 Units
Residential and commercial lighting systems as they apply to what constitutes a well-lit interior space. Includes an investigation of current lighting fixtures and lighting resources. Strongly Recommended: ID 48 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 62 Kitchen and Bathroom Design 3.00 Units
Survey of the field of kitchen and bathroom designs. Includes resources, materials, trends, costs and needs, both functional and aesthetic. Strongly Recommended: ID 48 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 70 Advan Kitchen and Bath Design 3.00 Units
National Kitchen and Bath (NKBA) planning guidelines and NKBA Access Standards for kitchen and bath. Emphasis on designing a universal kitchen and universal bath. Creation of working documents to design a kitchen and bath from its beginning to completion. Prerequisite: ID 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher )
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 72 Commercial Interior Design 3.00 Units
Introduction to the basic commercial space design concepts relates to large and small structures such as hotels, restaurants, offices and retail spaces. It introduces methods of building with several combinations of materials and code requirements.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
ID 73 Digital Drafting Principles II 3.00 Units
Continuation of ID 51 with emphasis on architectural interior working drawings for non-residential buildings with wood, masonry, steel and concrete structures. Application of advanced computer-aided drafting techniques for architectural construction documents will be reviewed, as will the use of electronic/web-based information sources, including Architectural Graphic Standards, Sweets Catalogs, and the Uniform Building Code. Prerequisite: ID 51 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) Skills needed from ID 51 to be successful in this course. Strongly Recommended: ID 72 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) to enhanced drafting skills.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:07