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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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HUMN 2 Introduction to Film Studies 3.00 Units
Introduction to film aesthetics, styles, and devices, as well as film theory and critical approaches to film analysis. Overview of film history, in addition to film production, technology, and distribution. Emphasis on diverse responses to the art form of cinema and its impact on contemporary culture.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 3 Introduction to Humanities 3.00 Units
Dramatic literature, the theater including filmic art, an introduction to the experience and appreciation of works of musical and visual art and lyric poetry.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 4 Global Cinemas 4.00 Units
Global cinema traditions analyzed through historical, political, cultural, commercial, and artistic perspectives. Screenings and interpretation of representative films from a variety of national and cultural film traditions from around the world, including films from Latin American, U.S., Asian, European, African, and Middle Eastern contexts.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 10 American Arts and Ideas 3.00 Units
Humanities in the United States. Explored through major works of literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, music, philosophy, technology, religion, political and social institutions that reflect the values and meanings of the American cultural experience. Particular attention paid to the experience and contributions of various culture groups (African Americans, Asian-Americans, European-Americans, American Indians, and Latino Americans).
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 11 Culture and the Arts I: 3.00 Units
A survey of the artistic and intellectual accomplishments of human cultures from the Ancient to Early Renaissance Eras. Emphasis is on the study of ancient to medieval painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, theater, religion, and philosophy from both Western and non-Western cultures.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 12 Culture and the Arts II: 3.00 Units
A survey of the artistic and intellectual accomplishments of human cultures from High Renaissance to Contemporary Eras, i.e. the Modern World. Emphasis is on the study of modern painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, theater, religion, and philosophy from around the globe.
College: Las Positas College
Division: A - H
HUMN 28 World Mythology 3.00 Units
Introduction to world mythology, including classical mythology, and the mythic themes recurring in literature, the visual arts, and music. Introduction to the major theories used to evaluate mythology. Exploration of myths about creation, destruction, gods, humans, heroes, tricksters, as well as their origins, variation, historical development, and full expression in ancient times and continued presence in the arts.
College: Las Positas College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
HUMN 60 Creativity and the Community 3.00 Units
The Arts as an expression of the community; the relationship between creativity and community; the artist as the conscience of society and the role of the audience in completing an artwork. Themes include the artist as prophet, art as transformative experience, the arts and social justice, and the shock of the new.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
HUMN 65 The American Style 3.00 Units
Humanities in the United States. Major works of literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, music, philosophy, science, religion, and political and social institutions. Particular attention to values and meanings that reflect the American cultural experience.
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication
HUMN 68 World Mythology 3.00 Units
Introduction to mythic themes recurring in global literature, the visual arts, and music; gods, humans, heroes; their origins, variations, historical development, and full expression in classical times and continued presence in the arts. (Formerly HUMN 28)
College: Chabot College
Division: Arts, Media & Communication

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Last Updated 03/31/2025 13:10