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This is the course catalog for the current academic year. When you have finished click the BACK button on your browser or the Return to CLASS-Web link at the bottom of the page |
English as a Second Language |
ESL 15A | Advanced Reading & Comp 1 | 5.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading techniques and writing analytical essays as well as on grammar and vocabulary development. Prerequisite: ESL 110 C (Completed with a grade of "P" or higher) | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 15B | Advanced Reading & Comp 2 | 5.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading techniques and writing analytical essays as well as on grammar and vocabulary development. Prerequisite: ESL 15A (completed with a grade of "P" or higher) | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 16A | ESL Grammar Mastery of Verbs | 3.00 Units | ||
Advanced grammar and editing instruction in English verbs and related structures. Prerequisite: ESL 110C (completed with a grade of "P" or higher) or eligibility for ESL 15A | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 16B | Adv ESL Gram Mast Eng Sent Str | 3.00 Units | ||
Advanced grammar and editing instruction in English sentence structure, phrases and clauses. Prerequisite: ESL 110C (completed with a grade of "P" or higher) | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 23 | College Grammar | 3.00 Units | ||
This is a one-semester advanced grammar course for academic purposes. The course focuses on sentences, clauses, and phrases, verb tenses and forms, auxiliary verbs and modals, and grammar analysis to enhance reading comprehension. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 23 and ESL 24 or 25. Prerequisite: ESL 120B or NESL 220B and ESL 121B with a minimum grade of P or NESL 221B or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 24 | Adv.Reading and Composition I | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year advanced reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading techniques and writing expository essays as well as on grammar and vocabulary development. Prerequisite: ESL 121B with a minimum grade of Pass or Placement through the ESL assessment process | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 25 | Adv.Reading and Composition II | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year advanced reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading and techniques of exposition, analysis, and argumentation. Prerequisite: ESL 24 with a minimum grade of C or Placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 26 | Advanced Editing | 3.00 Units | ||
This course is designed to increase students' awareness of their own use of written language, and give them practice in editing strategies which will enable them to use linguistic forms accurately, meaningfully and appropriately in written expression. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 26 and ESL 24 or 25. Prerequisite: ESL 120B or NESL 220B and ESL 121B or NESL 221B with a minimum grade of P or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 100 | Beginning Spelling for English | 1.00 Unit | ||
This is a one semester beginning spelling class, designed to enable English language learners to recognize and use beginning sound/spelling patterns in English, develop an understanding of the sounds and symbols of English, including open/closed syllables, short and long vowel sounds, consonant and consonant cluster sounds, as well as the spelling of homophones and other problem words in everyday English. The course will also focus on basic dictionary skills to improve student autonomy. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 110 | Beginning Vocabulary Skills | 1.00 Unit | ||
This is a beginning level vocabulary skills class, designed to enable English language learners to improve language proficiency by learning new vocabulary and developing vocabulary-building skills. The class will focus on the 0-1000 most common words in English, dictionary skills, and beginning morphology including prefixes, suffixes and roots. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 110A | Low Interm Read/Write/Grammar | 6.00 Units | ||
A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 110B | Interm Read/Write/Grammar | 6.00 Units | ||
Logical paragraph development, reading both fiction and nonfiction; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. Prerequisite: A grade of pass in ESL 110A (or eligibility for ESL 110B demonstrated through ESL Placement Process). | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 110C | High Interm Read/Write/Grammar | 6.00 Units | ||
Expository paragraphs and short essays; fiction and non-fiction reading; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. Prerequisite: ESL 110B (completed with a grade of "P" or higher) or Eligibility for: ESL 110C demonstrated through the ESL Placement Process | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 111A | Pronunciation | 2.00 Units | ||
Oral English with emphasis on strategies for clear pronunciation. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 111B | Academic Listening & Speaking | 2.00 Units | ||
Group and individual practice producing and responding to oral English in the academic environment. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 115 | Intermediate Vocabulary Skills | 1.00 Unit | ||
This is an intermediate level vocabulary skills class, designed to enable English language learners to improve language proficiency by learning new vocabulary and developing vocabulary-building skills. The class will focus on the 1000-2000 most common words in English, dictionary skills, and intermediate morphology including prefixes, suffixes and roots. Prerequisite: ESL 131B with a minimum grade of P or placement through assessment or NESL 231B with a minimum grade of P | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 120A | Interm. Grammar/Read, Write I | 3.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year course in intermediate grammar for academic writing and reading designed to enable students to use linguistic forms accurately, meaningfully and appropriately in written expression. This course focuses on compound and complex sentences, verb tense and form, and modals. This course also emphasizes grammar analysis, detecting and correcting grammatical errors, and self-editing skills. Prerequisite: ESL 130B or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the ESL assessment process. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 120A and 121A and 123 or 126. 3 hours lecture | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 120B | Interm. Grammar/Read, Write II | 3.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year course in intermediate grammar for academic writing and reading designed to enable students to use linguistic forms accurately, meaningfully and appropriately in written expression. The course focuses on compound and complex sentences and short paragraphs, overview of the verb tense system in English, verb forms with gerunds and infinitives, verb forms in modifying phrases, and modals. This course also emphasizes analyzing grammar and meaning, detecting and correcting grammatical errors, and self-editing skills. Prerequisite: ESL 120A or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the ESL assessment process. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 120B, 121B, and 123 or 126. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 121A | Interm. Reading and Writing | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year course in intermediate academic writing and reading. Classes will focus on writing sentences, paragraphs and compositions, developing strategies for reading comprehension and flexibility, on interactive reading, and on academic vocabulary development. Students will develop cultural understanding, vocabulary, and fluency through a variety of academic writing and reading tasks. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 120A, 121A and 123 or 126. Prerequisite: ESL 131B with a minimum grade of Pass or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 121B | High-Intermediate Reading | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year course in intermediate academic writing and reading. Classes will focus on writing sentences, paragraphs and compositions, developing strategies for reading comprehension and flexibility, on interactive reading, and academic vocabulary development. Students will develop cultural understanding and fluency through a variety of academic writing and reading tasks. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 120B, 121B and 123 or 126. Prerequisite: ESL 121A with a minimum grade of C or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 122 | Wrtng Wrkshp Non-Ntve Spkrs 3 | .50 Units | ||
This course is for non-native speakers of English who are taking English courses or other courses that require academic writing. It is also open to students enrolled in ESL courses. Editing and the writing process are emphasized, but all aspects of the writing process are addressed as needed on an individual basis. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 123 | Interm. Oral Communication | 2.00 Units | ||
This is an intermediate level oral communication course. This course will enable students to use linguistic forms accurately, meaningfully and appropriately, emphasizing academic listening and speaking skills: listening and speaking in small groups, listening to short lectures on academic topics, learning academic vocabulary and expressions, making presentations on new topics. Prerequisite: ESL 130B, ESL 131B, ESL 133 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the ESL assessment process. Prerequisite: ESL 133 with a minimum grade of C | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 126 | Intermediate Pronunciation and | 2.00 Units | ||
Focused practice on recognizing and producing individual speech sounds, stress patterns, rhythm and intonation patterns, and grammatical signals through activities such as oral presentations, role play, authentic dialogue, and reading presentations Prerequisite: ESL 130B or ESL 131B or ESL 136 with a minimum grade of P or placement through ESL assessment process | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 130 | Wrtng Wrkshp: Non-Ntve Spkrs | .50 Units | ||
Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on appropriate use and citation of source materials. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 130A | Beginning Grammar for Reading | 3.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year course in beginning grammar for academic purposes designed to enable students to understand and use English accurately, meaningfully and appropriately. The course focuses on the connection between vocabulary and grammar, simple and compound sentences, phrases, verb forms, and verb tenses, especially simple present, simple past, and present progressive. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 130A, 131A, and 133 or 136. Strongly Recommended: Placement through the ESL assessment process | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 130B | High-Beginning Grammar | 3.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year course in beginning grammar for academic purposes designed to enable students to identify and use linguistic forms accurately, meaningfully and appropriately in written expression. The course focuses on simple and compound sentences, word order, verb tenses: simple present, past, and future as well as present and past progressive, verb forms, modals, phrases, and vocabulary development. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 130B, 131B, and 133 or 136. Prerequisite:ESL 130A or NESL 230A with a minimum grade of P or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 131A | Beginning Reading and Writing | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the first semester of a one-year course in beginning academic writing and reading. Classes will focus on writing simple and compound sentences in short paragraphs, on developing strategies for increasing reading comprehension and flexibility, on interactive reading, and on developing academic vocabulary. Students will develop cultural understanding and fluency through a variety of writing and reading tasks. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 131A, 130A, and 133 or 136. Strongly recommended: Appropriate skill level demonstrated through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 131B | High-Beg. Reading and Writing | 6.00 Units | ||
This is the second semester of a one-year course in beginning academic writing and reading. Classes will focus on writing simple, compound, and complex sentences in structured paragraphs, on developing strategies for increasing reading comprehension and flexibility, on interactive reading, and on developing academic vocabulary. Students will develop cultural understanding and fluency through a variety of writing and reading tasks. Students are advised to enroll concurrently in ESL 131B and 130B, and 133 or 136. Prerequisite: ESL 131A or NESL 231A completed with a minimum grade of Pass or placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 133 | Beginning Oral Communication | 2.00 Units | ||
This is a beginning oral communication course. This course will enable students to use English accurately, meaningfully and appropriately, emphasizing conversational skills: listening and speaking in small groups, using new grammar structures, learning new words and expressions, comprehending and using idiomatic expressions. Strongly Recommended: placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 136 | Pronunciation and Fluency | 2.00 Units | ||
Focused practice on recognizing and producing individual speech sounds, stress patterns, rhythm and intonation patterns, and grammatical signals through activities such as oral presentations, role play, authentic dialogue, and presentations. Students will focus on developing listenier friendly pronounciation. Course content includes individual as well as group work. Strongly Recommended: Placement through the ESL assessment process. | ||||
College: Las Positas College | ||||
Division: A - H | ||||
ESL 210 | Prep for Academic ESL Reading | .00 Units | ||
This FREE, noncredit, academic ESL reading and vocabulary course is part of a three course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for college ESL. Upon completing this course, students will be ready to read at a level appropriate for ESL 110A, the first course in our ESL credit courses. Students will be placed into noncredit courses by the ESL placement process. Students may take ESL 210 concurrently with ESL 220 and ESL 230 to earn their Certificate of Competency and to be fully prepared for ESL 110A. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 220 | Prep for Academic ESL Writing | .00 Units | ||
This FREE, noncredit, academic ESL writing and grammar course is part of a three course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for college ESL. Upon completing this course, students will be ready to write at a level appropriate for ESL 110A, the first course in our ESL credit courses. Students will be placed into noncredit courses by the ESL placement process. Students may take ESL 220 concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 230 to earn their Certificate of Competency and to be fully prepared for ESL 110A. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
ESL 230 | Prep for Acad ESL Listen/Speak | .00 Units | ||
This FREE, noncredit, academic ESL listening and speaking course is part of a three course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for college ESL. Upon completing this course, students will have the listening comprehension skills and oral fluency appropriate for ESL 110A, the first course in our ESL credit courses. Students will be placed into noncredit courses by the ESL placement process. Students may take ESL 230 concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 220 to earn their Certificate of Competency and to be fully prepared for ESL 110A. | ||||
College: Chabot College | ||||
Division: Language Arts | ||||
Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:07