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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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Emergency Medical Services
EMS 1 First Responder 2.50 Units
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to manage many medical and trauma-related emergencies; includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation and prevention of disease transmission. Students will learn through lecture and lab practice how their role as an Emergency medical responder aligns with the Emergency Medical Services community. Successful completion of the knowledge and skills tests qualifies for an Emergency Medical Responder Certificate and an American Heart Association "Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider" Certificate. May not receive credit if Health 61 has been completed.
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
EMS 2 Emerg Med Tech - Basic 7.00 Units
Provides training in the foundation skills and knowledge required of the EMT-1 scope of practice. The EMT-1 certification is the minimum requirement for ambulance attendants and most entry level firefighter positions. EMT-1 certification is also required for entry into paramedic training. This training program is accredited by the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency. This course enrollment also requires: Evidence of immunizations for measles, mumps, and rubella. Evidence of Hepatitis B immunization series completed or in progress. A current (within one year of course completion) negative TB test is also required. Current healthcare CPR certification is required. May not receive credit if Health 81 has been completed. Corequisite: EMS 2W. Prerequisite: EMS 1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
Co-Requisites: EMS 2W
EMS 2W Patient Stabil Extric & Triage .50 Units
Patient stabilization techniques to include safe patient extrication from a simulated motor vehicle accident. Includes triage for multi-casualty incident/disaster management, Incident Command System and EMS Response to Terrorist Incidents. May not receive credit if HLTH 83 has been completed. Total weeks: 2 Corequisite: EMS 2
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
Co-Requisites: EMS 2
EMS 4 Emerg Med Tech-Basic Refresher 2.00 Units
Provides refresher training in the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of the EMT-Basic scope of practice. 40 total hours accredited by the Alameda County EMS Agency, including CE's and skills competency verification to National Registry standards. Prerequisite: EMT and BLS certification. There are assignments to complete outside of class; All hours must be attended; You will receive a skills competency verification form and 24 hours of CE upon successful completion. You are requested to log into Canvas prior to the first day of class for further instructions. If there is an issue with enrolling, please request a form from counseling to confirm that you are repeating this class for vocational purposes and/or that you met the prerequisite at another school. Total - 2 weeks. Prerequisite: Current EMT certification
College: Chabot College
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
EMS 10 Paramedic Theory 1 6.00 Units
General paramedic didactic education and training following the current Department of Transportation National Emergency Services Education Standards (NEMSES) and California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Includes cognitive content associated with: preparatory, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, airway management, patient assessment, and trauma patient management. Prerequisite: EMS 20, BIO 50, EMS 62 with a minimum grade of C Corequisite: EMS 12
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
Co-Requisites: EMS 12
EMS 11 Paramedic Theory 2 6.00 Units
This course provided paramedic didactic education and training following the current Department of Transportation National Emergency Services Education Standards (NEMSES) and California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Includes cognitive content associated with: Medical emergencies, special patient populations, and EMS operations. Prerequisite:EMS 10 and EMS 12 with a minimum grade of C Corequisite: EMS 13
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 12 Paramedic Laboratory 1 4.00 Units
Provides the skills portion of the current Department of Transportation National Emergency Services Education Standards (NEMSES) and California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Includes psychomotor skills associated with: preparatory, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, airway management, patient assessment, and trauma patient management. Prerequisite: EMS 20, BIO 50, EMS 62 with a minimum grade of C Corequisite: EMS 10
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
Co-Requisites: EMS 10
EMS 13 Paramedic Laboratory 2 4.00 Units
Provides the skills portion of the current Department of Transportation National Emergency Services Education Standards (NEMSES) and California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Includes psychomotor skills associated with: medical patient management, cardiac patient management, special populations, ems operations, and simulated patient encounters. Prerequisite: EMS 10 and EMS 12 with a minimum grade of C Corequisite: EMS 11 EMS 11 provides the didactic knowledge needed to succeed in skills labs of EMS 13.
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
Co-Requisites: EMS 11
EMS 16 Paramedic Clinical Occupation 3.00 to 4.00 Units
Occupational work experience course that provides instruction to enhance student's knowledge of emergency care in a clinical setting. Students are provided access to adequate numbers of patients, proportionally distributed by illness, injury, gender, age, and common problems encountered in the delivery of emergency care appropriate to the level of the Emergency Medical Services Profession(s). Hospital/clinical experiences include the operating room, recovery room, intensive care unit, coronary care unit, labor and delivery room, pediatrics, and emergency department, and include exposure to an adequate number of pediatric, obstetric, psychiatric, and geriatric patients. Prerequisite: EMS 11, EMS 13, EMS 10 and EMS 12 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 17 Paramedic Capstone Occupation 1.00 to 8.00 Units
An occupational work experience course that provides practicum experience for paramedic students to observe and participate in emergency medical care supervised by a preceptor in an emergency response vehicle. Requires a minimum of 480 hours, and students must document at least 40 advanced life support (ALS) patient contacts. Student will provide the full continuum of care from initial contact to transfer of care at the receiving facility for half of all ALS contacts. Students must obtain minimum competency as a Team Leader. The field internship provides the student with an opportunity to serve as team leader in a variety of pre-hospital advanced life support emergency medical situations. Prerequisite: EMS 16 with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 20 Emergency Medical Technician 7.00 Units
Provides training in the foundation skills and knowledge required of the EMT scope of practice. The EMT certification is the minimum requirement for ambulance attendants and most entry-level firefighter positions. EMT certification is also required for entry into paramedic training. This training program is accredited by the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services District. Prerequisite: EMS 30 with a minimum grade of B
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 30 Emergency Medical Responder 3.00 Units
Development of knowledge and skills necessary for recognizing and caring for victims in emergency situations, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, patient assessment, cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the use of an automated external defibrillator, and prevention of disease transmission. Designed for emergency medical responders in the public safety field. Successful completion of the psycho-motor skills tests and successful completion of the course with a score of 80%, and achieving a score on the course summative final at (80%) qualifies the student for an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Certificate issued by the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI). Strongly Recommended: EMS 70B with a minimum grade of C
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 62 Basic Medical Terminology 3.00 Units
A basic course in medical terminology designed for students in studying for Allied Health careers such as Surgical Technologist, Paramedic, Pre-nursing, and Radiology Technician. Medical vocabulary with concentration on prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Emphasis on word dissection, definitions as applied to the body systems including the terminology used in surgical procedures. Concepts focus on comprehensive terminology, pronunciation and spelling core.
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 70 CPR for Health Care Providers .50 Units
Development of knowledge, skills and personal judgment necessary to initiate and perform basic life support techniques as a health care professional. Successful completion of the knowledge and skills tests qualifies for an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Certificate.
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH
EMS 91 Emergency Med. Tech- Refresher 1.00 Unit
Provides a refresher in the foundation and knowledge required of the EMT-1 scope of practice. The EMT-1 certification is the minimum requirement for ambulance attendants and most entry-level firefighter positions. EMT-1 certification is also required for entry into paramedic training. This refresher program is accredited by the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency. The course provides 24 hours of continuing education units or a course completion certificate. Additionally, the course provides skills verification testing that EMTs must complete every two years. Prerequisite: Proof of California State EMSA or National Registration Certification as an "Emergency Medical Technician." Certification must be current, or expired less than 6 months. Student may also present documentation from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians showing failure of initial three attempts at NREMT Certification Examination which now requires completion of EMS 91 for additional attempts to register for certification examination.
College: Las Positas College
Division: PATH

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Last Updated 03/31/2025 13:10