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CLASS-Web Course Catalog Academic Year 2021-2022

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Early Childhood Development
ECD 11 Exploring Education 3.00 Units
This course introduces students to the concepts and issues related to teaching diverse learners in today's contemporary schools, Pre-K, Kindergarten through the 12th grade. Topics include teaching as a profession and career, historical and philosophical foundations of the American education system, contemporary education issues, California's content standards and frameworks, and teacher performance standards. In addition to class time, the course requires a minimum of 45 hours of structured fieldwork in public school elementary classrooms that represent California's diverse student population, and includes cooperation with at least one carefully selected and campus- approved certificated classroom teacher.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 30 CA Prschl: English Lang Devel 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the English language learners domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 31 Performing Arts: PTK Fndtns 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the performing arts domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of music, drama, and dance. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early- primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 32 Math: Preschool Foundations 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the mathematics domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of number sense, algebra and functions, measurement, geometry, and mathematical reasoning. Provides strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre- school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 33 Science: Preschool Foundations 1.00 Unit
Introduces the science domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of scientific inquiry, physical, life, and earth sciences and provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 34 Literacy Preschool Foundations 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the language and literacy development domain in the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of listening and speaking, reading, and writing. Provides practical considerations for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 35 Social/Emotional Prshl Fndtns 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the social and emotional development domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of self, social interaction, and relationships. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 36 Visual Arts: Presch Found 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the visual arts domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including artistic expression and response, and skills using various art mediums. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 37 Health: Preschool Foundations 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the health domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of health habits, safety, and nutrition. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, as well as pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 38 Hist Soc Sci: Presch Foun 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the history and social science domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of self and society, civics, history, geography, ecology, and economics. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 39 Physical Devel: Presch Found 1.00 Unit
Introduction to the physical development domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of fundamental movement skills, perceptual-motor skills and movement concepts, and active physical play. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early- primary teachers.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 41 Strat Work Challenge Behavior 3.00 Units
Appropriate for classroom teachers in various settings including Transitional Kindergarten, students will identify developmentally appropriate behaviors, challenging behaviors and the various influences that affect children's behavior. Students will analyze children's behaviors and select strategies to make positive changes. Emphasizes the connection between children's social and emotional development and their success in the classroom, and how the teachers' perceptions, experiences, and behavior influence child behaviors.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 50 ECD Principles and Practices 3.00 Units
An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development of all young children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics, and professional identity.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 52 Childhood and Adolescence 3.00 Units
Concentrating on the portions of the lifespan from middle childhood continuing through adolescence and addressing both typical and atypical children. Biological changes such as puberty, brain, cognitive development, changes in family and peer relationships, and identity development will be explored. Includes an understanding of the various contexts in which this age group develops, such as family, peer groups, school, and work. Emphasis on the continuity, observation, scientific methods, and stages of development.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 54 Child Health/Safety/Nutrition 3.00 Units
Aspects of nutrition, health and safety that promote and maintains the health and well-being of all children and adults who work with young children. Topics include health and nutritional guidelines, maintaining safe and healthy learning environments, state regulations, policies and procedures, common childhood illnesses, infectious diseases, school-family collaboration and emergency preparedness, first aid and injury prevention.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 56 Child Growth and Development 3.00 Units
A study of the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/ language development milestones for children both typical and atypical from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 60 Young Child/Exceptional Needs 3.00 Units
Introduces the variations in development of infants and children with exceptional needs and the resulting impact on families. Includes an overview of historical and societal influences, laws relating to children with exceptional needs, and the identification and referral process. Assessments, interventions, and learning environments for infants and children with exceptional needs. Prerequisite: ECD 56 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 62 Child, Family and Community 3.00 Units
Patterns of family living in contemporary society, including the varying roles and interactions of family members; demographic, socio-cultural, racial, economic and historical and developmental factors affecting children, families and relationship of the family to early care and education and to community resources. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 63 Early Childhood Curriculum 4.00 Units
Professional application of the principles of human growth and development in: the study of play based inclusive curriculum, the physical environment and learning experiences including program content, the use of materials, the facilitation and guidance of all children's experiences based on developmentally appropriate principles, the methods used to meet all children's physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and creative needs including infant and toddler within cultural context. Prerequisite: ECD 50 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) and , ECD 56 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 65 Administration 1: Programs 3.00 Units
Introduction to the administration of early childhood programs. Covers program types, budget, management, regulations, laws, development and implementation of policies and procedures. Focuses on building relationships with families and the community. Examines administrative tools, philosophies, and techniques needed to organize, open, and operate an early care and education program. Prerequisite: ECD 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) and , ECD 63 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 67 Infant/Toddler Development 3.00 Units
A study of infants and toddlers from preconception to 36 months including physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional growth and development. Applies theoretical frameworks to interpret behavior and interactions between heredity and environment. Examination of best practices, responsive caregiving techniques, environments, infant/toddler learning foundations, health, safety, and licensing requirements. Prerequisite: ECD 56 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 68 Admin II: Personl & Leadership 3.00 Units
Effective strategies for personnel management and leadership in early care and education settings. Includes legal and ethical responsibilities, supervision techniques, professional development, and reflective practices for a diverse and inclusive early care and education program. Prerequisite: ECD 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) and , ECD 63 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher).
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 69 Child Stdy Through Observation 3.00 Units
Current approaches for observing recording the behavior of infants and young children using various scientific techniques. Effective observations that build on respecting and fostering all children's competence, striving for objectivity and individualizing programs to meet individual children's learning and developmental assessment. Direct observational experience and application of methods is required weekly. Prerequisite: ECD 56 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 79 Teach in a Diverse Society 3.00 Units
Critical examination of societal and personal attitudes and beliefs, values, assumptions and biases about culture, race, language, identity, family structures, ability, socio-economic status and other issues influenced by systemic oppression. Ethnic/cultural groups referenced within course from the United States of America, including African American, Asian American, Chicano/Latino, European American, Indigenous People of the Americas and Americans of Middle Eastern origin. Recognize and confront barriers that interfere with one's ability to work effectively with diverse populations of children and families. Enhance teacher's skills for educating children in a pluralistic society.
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 83 Adult Mentoring & Supervision 2.00 Units
Methods and principles of mentoring and supervising adults in Early Care and Education settings. Emphasis on the role of experienced classroom teachers who function as mentors to new teachers while simultaneously addressing the needs of children, families and other staff. Prerequisite: ECD 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) and , ECD 63 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 87 Infant &Toddler Environments 3.00 Units
Applies current theory and research to the care and education of infants and toddlers in group care. Examines essential policies, classroom environments, caregiving principles and practices that lead to quality care and developmentally appropriate curriculum for infants and toddlers which is culturally sensitive and supports families. Strongly recommended: ECD 67
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 90 Practicum/Supervise Experience 4.00 Units
Practicum lab experience working with young children under the supervision of an ECE/CD faculty. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child centered, play- oriented approaches to teaching, learning and assessment; and knowledge of curriculum content areas will be emphasized as student teachers design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all young children. Prerequisite: ECD 63 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) , ECD 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) , ECD 50 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) , ECD 56 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher)
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
ECD 95 Work Experience 1.00 to 3.00 Units
On-the-job work experience to build early childhood competencies. Cooperative effort between student, supervisor and instructor to accomplish professional work objectives and broaden experiences. Corequisite: ECD 96
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
Co-Requisites: ECD 96
ECD 96 Work Experience Seminar 1.00 Unit
Discussion and analysis of problems often encountered by employees at the workplace. Application of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Code of Ethical Conduct to difficult situations that occur at the job site. Develop and complete measurable developmentally appropriate goals in early care and education settings. Corequisite: ECD 95
College: Chabot College
Division: Social Sciences
Co-Requisites: ECD 95

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Last Updated 02/21/2025 19:07