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CLASS-Web Schedule of Classes Summer 2021

Summer 2021 Registration Begins April 20th by Priority Group and Number

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This is the class schedule for the term. You may click on a CRN below to see additional information about the course. When you have finished click the BACK button on your browser or the Return to CLASS-Web link at the bottom of the page

Noncredit Math- LPC
CRN Subj Crse Sec Units Title Campus
  Start Date End Date Days Times Bldg Room
10590 NMAT 200C C01 .00 Concurrent Support SLAM Math Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 09:00 AM - 10:05 AM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): TU HOANG
Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom each week at the time listed. Math 100C is a STRONGLY RECOMMENDED support course for students currently enrolled in Math 40, Math 47 or Math 33. This 1-unit lab is designed to prepare students for the rigor of the SLAM (Statistics, Liberal Arts Math) transfer-level courses and develop the learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses. Aligned with your math course and designed with innovative strategies to provide math and learning support while you are taking your math course. This class is offered for credit (MATH 100C) or for tuition-free noncredit (NMAT 200C).

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10591 NMAT 200C C02 .00 Concurrent Support SLAM Math Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 02:00 PM - 03:05 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): AMIT SINGH
Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom each week at the time listed. Math 100C is a STRONGLY RECOMMENDED support course for students currently enrolled in Math 40, Math 47 or Math 33. This 1-unit lab is designed to prepare students for the rigor of the SLAM (Statistics, Liberal Arts Math) transfer-level courses and develop the learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses. Aligned with your math course and designed with innovative strategies to provide math and learning support while you are taking your math course. This class is offered for credit (MATH 100C) or for tuition-free noncredit (NMAT 200C).

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10592 NMAT 201C C01 .00 Concurrent Support BSTEM Math Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 09:00 AM - 10:05 AM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): TU HOANG
Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom each week at the time listed. Math 101C is a STRONGLY RECOMMENDED support course for students currently enrolled in Math 30, Math 34 or Math 39. This 1-unit lab is designed to prepare students for the rigor of the BSTEM (Business, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) transfer-level courses and develop the learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses. Aligned with your math course and designed with innovative strategies to provide math and learning support while you are taking your math course. This class is offered for credit (MATH 101C) or for tuition-free noncredit (NMAT 201C).

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10593 NMAT 201C C02 .00 Concurrent Support BSTEM Math Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 02:00 PM - 03:05 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): AMIT SINGH
Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom each week at the time listed. Math 101C is a STRONGLY RECOMMENDED support course for students currently enrolled in Math 30, Math 34 or Math 39. This 1-unit lab is designed to prepare students for the rigor of the BSTEM (Business, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) transfer-level courses and develop the learning skills necessary to succeed in college courses. Aligned with your math course and designed with innovative strategies to provide math and learning support while you are taking your math course. This class is offered for credit (MATH 101C) or for tuition-free noncredit (NMAT 201C).

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10622 NMAT 202C C01 .00 Concurrent Support for Math Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 - LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): TU HOANG
This section is an online course. For more information, see the section titled "Online Learning" in this schedule, or go to NMAT 202C provides just-in-time math and learning support for students enrolled in a math course. Students can sign up for this class and receive help from Math Instructors during certain hours. Hours of help can be found at the department website:

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10580 NMAT 207 X01 .00 Pre-Algebra Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 09:30 AM - 11:25 AM LTBA ONLINE
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 11:35 AM - 12:40 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): ANNA BELAUSTEGUI
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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10581 NMAT 207 X02 .00 Pre-Algebra Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 02:00 PM - 03:55 PM LTBA ONLINE
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 04:05 PM - 05:10 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): JENNIE GRAHAM
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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10582 NMAT 210 X01 .00 Elementary Algebra Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 09:30 AM - 11:25 AM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): ANNA BELAUSTEGUI
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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10583 NMAT 210 X02 .00 Elementary Algebra Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 02:00 PM - 03:55 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): JENNIE GRAHAM
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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10578 NMAT 255 X01 .00 Intermediate Algebra for BSTEM Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 09:30 AM - 11:55 AM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): ANNA BELAUSTEGUI
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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10845 NMAT 255 X02 .00 Intermediate Algebra for BSTEM Las Positas College
  JUN 14, 2021 AUG 05, 2021 MTWTh 02:00 PM - 04:25 PM LTBA ONLINE
  Instructor(s): JENNIE GRAHAM
This course is taught in the Math Emporium, a self- accelerated, guided, independent learning mode. Class will meet live (synchronously) online via ConferZoom at the time listed. Exams will be conducted online and reviewed with the instructor during the synchronously scheduled class time. Refer to your syllabus for required technology for this course. Dates and times of exams are based on student progress through the course material. For more information, go to the Mathematics Department website

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Release 8.2

Last Updated 03/28/2025 19:05